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hello to all!!!!

i have an hp mini 210 1010ss.

i had windows 7 on it, and my life was perfect!

the last few days, i ve been trying to instal mac osx on it... and my nightmare began!!!

after unsucceful instalations of osx, i quit that...

and i tried to boot windows... it didnt boot....

now i have created an windows 7 boot usb... i boot from usb... instalation begin...

i go to the point where i should choose the disk where i want to install... and there are no disks...

says that there are no disks drivers.

i try to do a scan, and i can find any.

when i try to browse, of course only two disks shows up, the usb, and a partition i supose a kind of back from hp.

on that "hp partition" i go to system 32, drivers / driver repository, and i cant seem to identify the driver.


how do i solve this?

please help....

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