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Recognize Other HDs

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Hello everyone, I am barely new to make. So far I have been able to install JaS OSx86 on my pc and it works great but there is something that I still can't figure out. I have searched pages and pages in here and found nothing, so decided to ask. Here is my problem:


As I mentioned early I have JaS OSx86 10.4.6 installed on my PC. It is installed on my primary HD, which is a 160GB SATA HD. Everything runs fine (except sound), but I can't figure out how to make Mac see my two other IDE HDs. My PC specs are all on this page if you need to know what specific motherboard I have, and way in the bottom of that page is my HD information. Just for a reference I will include the HD info in here:


C: Seagate 160GB SATA 7200rpm 8MB Hard Drive (Currently with OSx86 and XP installed)


D: Seagate 80GB IDE 7200rpm 8MB Hard Drive


F: Western Digital 300GB IDE ATA 7200rpm 8MB Hard Drive


Is there anything in Mac that will allow my PC to detect this two secondary HDs as well as my 3rd CD drive? Any kind of driver or software? Please let me know if there is anything that can be done to solve that. So far I love mac, but what I don't love is not to be able to access all my files, music, pictures, etc stored on those 2 other HDs. Thanks in advance and any help will be appreciated.

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