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I've followed the guide below.


Installation of OS X 10.6.0 Retail DVD


1. Start computer with bootable CD made from D620SLV1.iso cd image. No flags required.

- When Chameleon boot menu appears, eject the boot CD

- Insert OS X 10.6.0 RETAIL DVD ONLY. Wait for DVD Machine to read DVD and hit F5. You may have to retry F5 a few times until the OS X Installation DVD spools up and gets read.

- Select OSX Install from the Chameleon menu once it appears.

2. Follow installation prompt:.

- Before installing, make sure to start the DISK UTILITY (from go>utilities) to create a GUID HD partition and install OS X on the new partition. IMPORTANT: In order for the automated Chameleon install to work during the post install, you must install on the FIRST partition of the FIRST drive. If you have a bunch of drives installed and don't know how to get this done, then I suggest you remove other drives during the installation and post install procedure.

- Suggestion: After partitioning, and at customize stage, de-select other language translations (other than default). This will save about 2GB disk space and make installation and every backup thereafter 2 GB faster.

Note: At installation completion, OS X may say that installation failed because it was unable to mount the disk and prompt to reboot. This is normal and OS X is installed. I suspect that this is because I never selected a boot partition, but I never bothered to prove it out.

3. To run OS X for the first time, Reinsert D620SLV1 boot CD and Reboot. Select your new installation partition from the Chameleon menu and boot.


10.6.0 Post Installation


You will want to boot from the hard drive and enable both cores. To do this, with the boot CD still in the drive after your first boot up, do the following:


1. Open the boot CD.

2. Double click on post_install.cmd.

3. Follow the simple prompts.

4. When the job completes, reboot.


If desired, download and install the 10.6.1 updates from software updates in OS X.


Instead of using the 10.6.0 disk, I used a 10.6.3 disk. When I go to to do the post installation I can't see how to open the boot cd and run the post_install.cmd.


Do I need to start again with 10.6.0?

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