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Intel GMA X3100 EFi Strings for full 1280x800 resolution


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Does anyone know how to boot an HP 550 running Leopard 10.5.8 to boot using full 1280x800 resolution on the screen? When I boot I have two black

bars left and right of the screen, and the resolution I'm sure is 1024x768. Does anyone know any efi strings for Intel GMA X3100 to display all the pixels on my screen? Thank you in advance.

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  • 2 months later...

Does anyone know how to boot an HP 550 running Leopard 10.5.8 to boot using full 1280x800 resolution on the screen? When I boot I have two black

bars left and right of the screen, and the resolution I'm sure is 1024x768. Does anyone know any efi strings for Intel GMA X3100 to display all the pixels on my screen? Thank you in advance.




i wanted to solve the resolution problem and have now the same status as the user "vrtak-cz" in the forum link http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/lofiversi...hp/t213714.html


unfortunately new users can´t reply or post in the old forum.

i´m trying to fix it, when i reach my target i post you the solution.......

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