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Kernel panic after removing other Mac OS X HD from pc


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hi all.


I installed Snow Leopard 10.6 using boot 132 on a spare SATA HD. Prior to this i was running iATKOS S3 v2 with everything working on a different HD. When booting 10.6 all the hardware was recognised with no extra kexts to load. It booted using the chameleon bootloader from iATKOS S3. I updated to 10.6.5 with no problems.

I than installed Chameleon 2 RC3 thinking thats all i would need for the system to work.


But now if i i remove the HD which still has iATKOS S3 installed, The system boots but gives me a Kernel panic saying CPU has no hpet assigned to it.


What could this be? Would installing EFI help? DSDT?



I attached my boot132 / SnowLeopard10.6 system kernel log.kernel_log.rtf

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