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ApplenforceATA Found 0 Units? HELP!


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I have an almost functional hackintosh running iatkos 10.5.7 on an HP Pavillion a6030n AMD 64grey_loader.gif and I love it!! Just a few minor problems and it will be perfect. First thing is I can't use sleep or restart. Shutdown is fine. Screensaver seems to come on even though I have it set never to. I have only one option in my energy saver setting options that says "allow power button to sleep computer". And sometimes when booting It gets hung on "AppleATAnforce found 0 units". But I can restart and it will finally boot into OS. I have tried openhaltrestart kext for my sleep and restart prob and did not work. PLEASE someone help. I have looked EVERYWHERE for resolution to these few little problems. Here is a rundown of my machine:


HP Pavillion a 6030n

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor 4800

NVIDIA nForce 430 Chipset

Visiontek ATI 2400 HD pro PCIe (finally got this fully working with quartz!)

Realtek integrated audio

iAtkos v7 updated to 10.5.8


I am STILL trying to find a fix for this it's getting old. PLEASE!!!

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If I'm correct, you can select 2 nforce drivers: the ""test" version and the "old" one. Which one did you select? Either way, try reinstalling and select the other driver. See if that works.


Thanx for reply. I found a fix for this by going with Hazard's Snow Leopard install and installing "speedupsl_nforce" or something like that. Had to go to another forum where more ppl actually help each other. But yea, my boot time is literally like less than 20 seconds. i could not believe the difference. Thanx again for reply though.

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