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Snow Leopard on VMWawre on AMD best practices


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After some pretty horrifying patching experiences, I finally got a fantastically workable version of Snow Leopard running on my machine! I mean really workable, like I'm using it as my primary work platform, and dumping my old Macbook in the toilet.


I'm wondering if someone can suggest best practices for kernel and drivers? Note I'm running 10.6.4.


Kernel: I'm using Legacy Kernel 10.6.4, would I be better off with test7?

Extensions: Are there any Kexts I should delete? I noticed some drivers in the Virtualization forum and have added them, but am not getting the same performance as people are reporting.

Patches: I used Marvin's AMD patcher, is there anything else I need?


Thanks all! I'll now skim through and see if there's anyone here I might be able to help out.

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