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64 bit mode in SL 10.6.4?

dave po

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A few random questions from a somewhat paranoid (more so, just careful), hackintosh user.


My computer's specks:

Mobo- GB P55A-UD4P

CPU- intel i7 2.8 quadcore

SL- 10.6.4

everything is running great!


Is it safe to boot into 64bit mode? More specifically use this simple program to do it: http://www.ahatfullofsky.comuv.com/English...ms/SMS/SMS.html


I do a lot of photo and video editing. How much will 64bit mode help with that and other day to day tasks?


Also, is it safe to update growl? I keep getting an annoying prompt that I want to go away.

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At the Chameleon boot screen press the space bar on the keyboard. Type "arch=x86_64" without the quotes


When your on the desktop select about this Mac on the Apple menu. Click on more info then select "Software" On the left hand side of the system profiler window. It will display 64bit kernel status.


Check through system profiler and extensions to see if all your system is working ok


If all appears to be ok you can add the following to your apple.com.boot.plist file located in your Extras folder located on your root drive.


<key>Kernel Flags</key>


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