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Extending Disk Partition for OSX in VMWare


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Hello All,


I've successfully installed the retail version of 10.5.6 in VMware Workstation 7.x after reading the posting here


I used a 16GB partition initially and after the install took over 15GB. Not sure if this is correct.


In any case I extended the VMWare disk to 24 GB and rebooted into OSX and ran Disk Utility to create the new 8GB partition to add more space to the VM. However Disk Utility fails to create the new partition. I'm fairly new to the Mac OS so I'm not sure where to search for the underlying problem.


Any suggestions?





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  • 3 weeks later...

Got the same problem, extended the VMWare HD from 40GB to 100GB. Inside Max OS I can see the hard drive is actually 100GB, and the partition is using 32GB of it in DiskUtil. But the '+' is gray out and unable to add new partition.


The error message when trying to drag to expand the partition is like: "mediakit reports partition map too small".


"diskutil list" shows:



0: GUID_partition_scheme *107.4GB disk0

1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 42.6 GB disk0s2

3: Apple_HFS 0 B disk0s3



Also tried using iPartition, and there's a warning "You cannot make changes to the disk from which your system booted ..." and the "new partition" icon is gray out ...


since it's in Windows VMWare, and using darwin_snow.iso to boot into Mac OS - tried to use GpartEd to boot, but that won't see the 100GB VMWare disk allocated ...


so how to I expand that 42.6GB to the 107.4GB reported in diskutil ? ... any hint ? ...



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  • 2 months later...


I'm in the same predicament as the posters above.

I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.6 under Vmware workstation 7. Under the vm settings I expanded the hd from 30 to 100 giga to allow the installation of Final Cut Pro. It all went well but now I don't know how to expand the disk inside the os.


I also had created a second hd inside the vm that was perfectly recognised by SL. Unfortunately Final Cut didn't want to install on that one :D


I ran some google searches but got nothing.


I'm a noobie in the Mac world, so please bear with me.


Thanks to anybody willing to help.



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