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Screen going blue after installing NVinject


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Ok so I finally figured out how to install OSX on my AMD machine, using VMWare (I will post a tut for everyone soon, because it is the easiest method I could find, but I wanna get it fully working first). I installed NVInject because my gfx was really choppy, and that set my resolution way down low. I set it to 1024x768 w/ 60mhz (its what I use in windows xp) and the screen is just a blank light blue right now. Using macdrive on my XP machine I can uninstall the file, but it is really bugging me. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do so I can have drivers for my card?




PROCESSOR: AMD Athlong 64 X2 4000+

GFX: Nvidia GeForce 8500gt

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