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P5LD2-SE + Nvidia GT 240 = Kernel Panic


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Hi all, I'm having some issu with instaling retail Snow Leopard 10.6.3 on motherboard Asus P5LD2-SE with the Nvidia graphics card GT 240. I followed the steps from wiki.osx86project.org website. What i did is:

1. Use Empire Efi v.1.085 Legacy Boot Cd - as the wiki.osx86project.org suggest

2. Install Snow leopard 10.6.3

3. Update to 10.6.4

4. Update Graphics Updater 1.0

5.Install BootThink Loader - as the wiki.osx86project.org suggest

6. restart


When i boot i'm getting message such us:


“You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button until it turns off, then press the Power button again.”


Can anybody givesome hints what shall i do to resolve this problem?


Thanks in advance

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