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Windows 7 + Snow Leopard on MBR Partition


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I've been making Hackintosh for a year now, and i remember i was able to dual boot Windows 7 + Snow Leopard ON A MBR PARTITION.


But i can't understand how i did! When you install one, it overwrite the MBR of the disk, so only one system can boot! That's it now.


Since the method i used before is the same i'm using now, i need someone to explain me the thing... It's stupid and illogic, isn't it?



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The problem happens if the installer writes all 512 bytes of Chameleon's boot0 to MBR. Then Windows 7 won't boot anymore.


If you write just the first 440 bytes, Windows keeps booting fine, just select it in Chameleon's menu.


I don't know about latest myHack or NBI, but the last myHack I tried wrote 512 bytes to MBR.


Try using one of the installers I suggested to MoTo77 in the other topic, and install the kexts you need manually.

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