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PCI-E Sound Card help needing


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Hi everyone,



I'm asking currently a question : what PCI-E card must I buy to replace my poor integrated chipset ?


I have a Motherboard P5K-PL with an integrated audio chipset. But this is a poor sound quality.

I have buy a Creative X-Fi Extreme Music, but It's not compatible with Mac OSX ...


I'm currently searching a similar quality sound card for my hackintosh.


I have found two cards :

- X-FI Titanium PCI-E : http://www.grosbill.com/4-creative_sound_b...ique-_carte_son

- E-MU 0404 PCI-E : http://www.grosbill.com/4-e_mu_0404_pcie-1...e-carte_son_pro


But what is the most compatible card ?


Thanks for your help

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