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Purchase Working Drivers for my Laptop

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Hello InsanelyMac readers!


I would like to say THANK YOU first for your great contributions, and your hard work and commitment to a forum with nothing but strangers who can't really give much but "thanks!!" and "omg you made my day! yipiie!!" and instead of simply asking for help out here I am willing to PURCHASE kexts/drivers for my laptop.


Here's the deal;


Get me working kexts/drivers (if I'm using the right definition) so all my functions will work as normal (at least Wireless, Graphics, Bluetooth, Audio, Touchpad and Webcam) and in return I will pay 50$ for those who can make these features work on my laptop.


On to the point of work; My laptop is an ASUS G73J (direct link to my "drivers" page is here). Please see this for reference drivers from asus.


What might be the most difficult is to get my graphics card to work, it's a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 1GB, but I really do need this one to work. Another "EXPRESSED"(!) need is the wireless to work, as cable won't work with my router for some strange reason, and Wireless is almost a part of the "Core Mac-usage" feeling.


Is anyone up for the task? Please let me know so we can get started - I am not sure how I can prove to you all that I'll pay, but please accept my sincerest honest promise that I will pay 50$. It's little money to me :)


Oh, and if I have some trouble, mind if I let the creator know so we can troubleshoot? I'm really in need of a working Mac OS X on my Laptop. :)







And to quickly add in - Here's my hardware from dxdiag:


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