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HP Pavillion G72t iAtkos S3 v2 apple logo flash and reboot

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I have a HP Pavillion G72T 17" notebook.


System Specs:


Core i3 350m 2.26ghz

Intel 4500MHD Graphics 1440x900 native.

wireless, sounds, etc is irrelevant at this point..


I'm trying to install iAtkos s3 v2 and the install goes without a hitch starting up with "busratio=17".

System profiler finds my wireless, bluetooth, audio, webcam, card reader etc...

the displays boots up what looks to be the correct aspect ratio and looks beautiful. i dont install any drivers for the graphics card, network, sound, etc.. i use Chameleon 2RC4 for the bootloader and after install reboots fine.

After Chameleon starts to load OSX (with busratio=17), i see a breif flash of the white background with the silver apple logo from chameleon and it instantly reboots.


can anybody tell me what the heck i'm doing wrong? what do i need to do just to get to the gui?

this is my 10th hackintosh, but this is kicking my butt.


any help would be much appreciated.

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here are some screen shots of single user mode for the screen turns black and have to hard power off.

this is with PC EFI V10 from iatoks s3 v2



this is from Chameleon 2 RC5 Pre..



what does no smbios replacement found and acpi tables found mean?

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