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-SOLVED- Help with Mackie Onyx Satellite and Core Audio


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Hi all, i tried for 2 weeks to make this work, reading forums etc... but i am at a point where i cant continue without help.


I saw people saying they are happy with the Onyx Satellite Firewire and Logic with their hackintosh, but i cant get it to work.


First of all, sorry for my english, i'll try to explain what i did so far.


I installed Iatkos distro on my P5Q Pro Turbo and everything works fantastic.


I can see my firewire card in osx options, and in fact, i can listen to music, play any audio file just fine.

But when i open Logic Studio, and i choose the mackie Onyx under the "Core Audio" driver option, it says the driver is not found. I have no audio at all on logic.


I've tried installing AppleFWAudio.kext, but once installed, after rebooting my firewire card is no longer listed.


I'm really lost here. What can i do? Should i install any other Kext i am not aware of?

Buying another audio interface is not an option for me right now as im really broke, so i would love to know if someone here can tell if there is something i can try to make it work.


The interface uses the internal OSX driver, so i dont know what to do at this point.


Many many thanks in advance.



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