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Forcing 64Bit Mode from boot.plist (10.6.3)

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i've a 10.6.3 snow on Vbox usign 10.3 legacy kernel on AMD CPU


on my boot.list i have:


<key>Kernel Flags</key>


normally if i want to boot on 64bit mode, i've just to digit using keyboard "-force64" on chamaleon boot selection

(on system profiler 64-bit kernel and expansions display a : NO, but Activity-Monitor display a: INTEL 64-BIT for all processes and system seems to run 20% faster looking some benchmarks)


today i tried to change the boot.plist to automatically run osx on 64bit mode


	<key>Kernel Flags</key>




 <string>arch=i386 -force64</string>


but 64bit mode don't start... ( on last column of Activity Monitor there is just: INTEL )


someone may suggest me a correct string for the boot.plist? thx!

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after 2 ours i solved this...


i placed the


 <key>Kernel Flags</key>


on boot.plist (com.apple.Boot.plist file) placed on /library/preferences/systemconfiguration


and removed from the boot.plist on /extra folder


that now only have the "Graphics Mode" "1360x768x32" string and the "Timeout" "1" string

and works....


2 different Boot.plist 1 for the kernel, and 1 for Virtualbox VGA resolution + Chamaleon Timer (???)


Well, now i' ve a "new" issue... on "GET INFO" window in don't have the "32 Bit Mode" compatbility option, and i can't run some 32bit executables.


Any idea for this new trouble?

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