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Hi! i have the following harddisk setup (which used to work before i screwed it up):


GPT partitioned harddisk with three partitions:

1: journaled Mac (installed Kalyway 10.5.2)

2: journaled Mac (installed Kalyway 10.5.2 upgraded to 10.5.6 with a lot of ktext tweaking)

3: FAT


the partitions are mapped into the protective MBR of the GPT such that i can access the FAT partition also from windows Vista.


I work with the OS X installed in the second partition and I use the FAT partition to transfere data from and to Vista/OS X


when i booted up usually the darwin bootloader showed up displaying 4 entries, with the second one preselected (that one started up kalyway 10.5.2) and I selected the third entry manually and booted up.


so now i thoght it's about time to upgrade to snowleopard. since I never use the the osX installation in the first partition, i thoght i use that partition to backup my second one (just in case). so what i did:


1. start up disk utility from a OSX86 installation DVD

2. selected partition 1 and hit "erease"

3. restored partition 1 from partition 2 (the utility copied all files to the other disk. but afterwards when clicking on the partitions, it appears partition 2 still has 3 files more than partition 1)

4. rebooted


but now - darwin doesn't pop up anymore. instead I see just this:









i thoght Darwin resides in the forst 440 bytes of the protective MBR in the GPT - no? so ereasing the first partition shouldn't have screwed it up...


anyone knows what could have went wrong and how i can fix it??




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