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Video card to run Starcraft 2 on Ultra on 10.5 Leopard


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Is there currently an ATI card that is compatible with Leopard that can run Starcraft 2 on Ultra (the highest) graphics settings?


My Radeon 2600 HD is just not cutting it, have had to put everything on low to play multiplayer...


The rest of my system is very good so I know it's the video card.


I've read that 5000 series cards are capable of running SC2 on Ultra, but from what I've read here I don't think there are any kexts out yet which make the cards very compatible with OS X.


BTW if there is an Nvidia card which would fit the bill that would be fine too. I just randomly chose to post this in the ATI section, maybe influenced by the fact that my current card is ATI. Maybe a GTX 260?

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