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Toshiba with RTL8187b onboard.

Yukon Kid

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Looking for some help getting my built in wifi to work.

First I am running iPortable snow off of an external drive.

I have everything working, although need some tweeks.

The only thing that is not working is the built in wifi.


I do have the RTL8187b realtek drivers and it works, I have a dongle 8187 that I use to run online when I boot OSX.


Here is the kicker. the internal shows as 8197, no big deal as I added it to the kext.

when I use system profiler the on board wifi shows up as a "composite device" an when I look at the device it shows up with the RTL information.


if I use DSDTSE and look at the USB devices the onboard wifi shows and it does not have a device name like the



As the computer is booting up the onboard wifi flashes as though it is being probed.

I think this will be a simple fix but I am not sure what needs to be tweeked.

Is it the kernal or the usb kext or can it be done with DSDT mod.

willing to try, only need slight guidance.



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