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Kernal Panic


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I was using iAtkos 10.5.7 to install on my HP DV6607nr with the specs below.


Mac won't recongnize my HD because my chipset (nForce 560) wasn't compatible. So I used this tutorial http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...mp;#entry891801, to inject a new AppleNForceATA.kext with my device id.


I managed to get my HD to show up, and the installation went perfect. But when I try to boot Leopard, I get a kernel panic. See pic below


Btw the way, during installtion, I clicked Customize and selected the "voodoo 9.7.0 Kernel". I had no idea which one to select so I choose that one. I also trying playing around with choosing "voodoo 9.5.0", charmelion 1 and charmelion 2. But I get a kernal panic all the time.


HP DV6607nr

Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core TK-53

Motherboard: Quanta 30CF

Chipset: NVIDIA nForce 560

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 7150M/nForce 630M

Wireless: Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter

NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller

Sound: Conexant High Definition SmartAudio HD





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I swtiched over to iDeneb 1.6 and I used the following custom settings, and I don't get kernel panic anymore, but I get stuck at the white screen with and Apple. Here is the output from verbose mode:




Kernel: 9.5.0 voodoo kernel


AppleSMBIOS Drivers: AppleSMBIOS 667 Mhz

PS/2 Drivers: ApplePS2 Old

Fix: Idlehaltfix, Seabeltfix, IOUSBFamilyFix, SD/SDHCI Drivers


Chipset: AppleNForace Test,

Ethernet: nForceEthernet

Wireless: Broardcom wifi

System Management: VoodooBattery Manager

Video: NVinject 0.2.1 NVinject 128MB

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