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iAtkos v7 / Mac OS X on Acer Aspire 7740G


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i am new here and i tried to install iAtkos v7 on a Acer Aspire 7740G.


First i tried the normal way:

Inserting DVD booted up and just hit Enter.

After this i could see the Gray Windows with the Apple Symbol for about 2 Seconds and then it instantly rebooted.

then i tried with "-v and cpus=1" both had the same effect.


Then i tried with "busratio=17" and the Mac OS X Setup started without problems.

i formatted the Partition with "Journaled", activated and installed Mac OS X on it without any Problems.


After reboot i just getting always this message:

"boot0: done".


nothing more.


Anyone could help me how i can start Mac OS X now?


and maybe a Solution to make it Possible to Choose between my Windows 7 and Mac OS X?


Thanks in advance.


PS. Here are my Specs:

Intel Core i5 M430


ATI Radeon HD5470 with 512 MB DDR3

500 GB HDD

Crystal Eye Webcam


Blueray Disc + Multi DVD Burner

17,3" LED LCD

Windows 7 Home Premium





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i can't use this [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] cause the "Needed" list contains a Retail Copy of the Leopard DVD but i don't have it.


so, there is no way atm to install Mac OS X on my Machine and without the Retail DVD?



Thanks in advance.




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go to the terminal on the installation DVD


diskutil list





cd /usr/standalone/i386


sudo -s

./fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdiskD

dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdiskDsP

cp boot /Volumes/[partition name]

fdisk -e /dev/diskD

f P




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what exactly does this commands?


Just wanna know cause i have just one HDD and there i got my Original Windows 7 on it and a Partition for Mac OS X and don't know if this format / delete my Windows 7 Partition or something?!



Thanks in advance.


and if you know maybe how i could do a Dual-Boot for Windows 7 / MAC OS X i would very thankful.








PS. If i would buy a Reatil DVD of Snow Leopard, is there any difference about Perfomance & Hardware support as iatkos?

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fdisk with these parameters boot0 writes the file to the MBR of the selected disk

dd writes the file boot1h at the beginning of the selected partition

cp copies the file to the root of the boot partition selected


Snow has several technologies that the leopard has not


OpenCL, GCD, 64 bit ...


find out more about these new technologies


leopard ;)




Use this installer for Chameleon


already has the files inside and fdisk


it installs and activates the partition






sorry for my english

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Hi sinnLoser,


Did you manage to install Snow Leopard on your Acer 7740g ?

I have one too and would love to give it a spin.


Been away from the scene for a long time, so I have to do some research as how things works these days.


Will report back


Hi lucidmyth, all you need is the latest Empire EFI bootloader cd and your retail Snow Leopard DVD. I'm currently booting snow from an USB HD.

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