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Intel 82540EM Intel Pro 1000 and 10.6.3

tom btc

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I had an old power mac G4 450MHz which I had many years ago added an intel gigabit lan card into, the card worked flawlessly on 10.4.X for years with heavy use. It also seemed to work fine with 10.5 but I can't say for sure cause I didn't run the OS for long.


Well anyway, I took the card out of the Power Mac and put it into my Hackintosh build which I had everything else working on before I put in the NIC.


Gigabyte G31M-E2SL

2.8 C2D




I figured since the card was working fine already in a mac it would drop right in. Well it was recognized right off the bat and appeared to aquire a good IP address, so I opened up software update to get all my updates. It started off working well for about 2 minutes, then the download stopped and the Hackintosh lost it's IP address and nothing I did would get it back short of a reboot. I did this many times, every time either the card lost the IP after about a minute or it would download fine for about 5 minutes and it would then KP.


Any ideas/suggestions?


Screenshots attached.



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