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Upgrade iDeneb 10.5.5 ?


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Here are my specs below :rolleyes:


I built mY Computer if thats info yall need lol !!


Motherboard: ECS IC780M-A2 (V1.0A) AM3 AMD 770 ATX AMD Motherboard

Video Card BFG 8500 GT

RAM: A-DATA 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666)

CPU : AMD Athlon II X4 635 Propus 2.9GHz

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well, you could try the ideneb 10.5.8 combo update.


or you could try this method:




I'm guessing you are running the Voodoo Kernel?


I would recommend backing up all your kexts using osx-86 tools before proceeding and also make a Time machine back-up in case the update fails.

I have no idea what kexts or patches you needed to install to get your system running. do some research and find what works for your machine (and whet does not work). :-)


If there is one thing I've learned with OSX-86.....There are NO guarantees, you just have to give it a shot!


Good Luck!

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