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5 Monitors on the Lifehacker Hackintosh: Need Help

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Hey all!


My name is Boom. Back in September I read Adam Pash's Hackintosh tutorial on Lifehacker, and was convinced it was finally time to "Go Mac". I use the tutorial to build just about exactly what Adam suggested, and it worked perfectly.


I actually use the mac for blogging, photoshop and video editing. I have a background in building pcs, but these days I'm less of a pc tinkerer, and more of a software user. I was warned that building a Hackintosh might be more involved than I wanted, but I couldn't resist the power/price math.


I'm currently working on designing and building a home office from scratch, and in the process, I'm designing a workstation with blogging in mind. My Hackintosh will be my primary (and hopefully only) pc in the room. My current plan includes 5 monitors. Here's the current layout of my 24" and (x4) 19" screens set to vertical for web pages.




I discovered that the resolution of a standard 4x3 19" monitor is of course 1280x1024. So when you rotate it on end, that 1024 becomes the perfect width for viewing web pages. WOOT! Now I just need to get 4 of those working with my main 24".


So here's my real problem. I've been reading through the forums and the wiki, trying to understand how to get a second (and third) video card to work. The problem is, because I used Adam's tutorial, I didn't really learn how all of this hacking works. So the guides for "how to use multiple cards" end up sounding like another language to me.


Here's what I'm looking for.


I have the following hardware from the Lifehacker guide:



My motherboard has the following slots:


  • PCI-E X16 (currently used by the 9800)
  • PCI-E X8 (OPEN)
  • (3) PCI-E X1 (all OPEN)
  • (2) PCI (one used by the NIC and the other OPEN)


You can see the layout here: click here




1. Because these extra monitors only need to run the web, is there a cheap video card that will run two monitors each? Can I fit two of these cards on this motherboard? Are there any PCI-E 1X cards that could work?


2. If I find the right cards, can someone point me to a couple guides that will get me caught up on the lingo necessary to understand the video card tutorials?


I greatly appreciate any and all feedback. I'm putting so much work into this new workstation, and having 5 monitors is going to be critical. I'm prepared to start from the ground up and learn what I need to. I would just appreciate some help getting started.






If you want I can move it wherever you like, but the truth is that some questions never get a meaningful reply, and I am afraid yours is one of them.




Thanks for the note. Don't worry about moving it.


The more I search, the more obvious it becomes that not many people are running more than two or three monitors on a mac, let alone a hackintosh. I found the ATI firepro's and got pretty pumped, only to find thread after thread of mac people complaining about them being PC only.


I'm going to start digging through every Hackintosh tutorial I can find, and try to learn from the ground up. Maybe if I figure out how video cards are handled, I can start asking more intelligent questions. Heck, I may even figure out how to get 3 video cards working myself! ;)



I have a system with 5 monitors. I explain what I did. You need: a sli motherboard, 2 Nvidia graphics cards series 8 or 9 and a PCI graphics card Nvidia 8 Series (8400GS mine). I have Snow Leopard 10.6.2 with a 0.2.1 nvinject modified by me for three graphics card.


With your mothebord i doubt you can.



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