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Whats the newest hackintosh?


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As I've bought a real Mac some months ago, I had lost interest in these hacks. Now I want to try it again on a PC an want to know whats the newest "release". Does 10.4.7 exist? Whats the best iso? Does Maxxuss live? :-D



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As I've bought a real Mac some months ago, I had lost interest in these hacks. Now I want to try it again on a PC an want to know whats the newest "release". Does 10.4.7 exist? Whats the best iso? Does Maxxuss live? :-D




10.4.6 iso, 10.4.7 is is available for AMD as MacOSXUpd10.4.7AMD

I think Jas iso is the best. But 10.4.6 has a glitch, you have to set the OSX-Partition active by yourself.

Maxxuss is still on holiday I think :( (Or working for Apple as an engeneer for a OSX86-official-version ^^)



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