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I was busy in some audio pro works in this months...then i never been logged


I just logged today and i had tons of msgs about the UAD cards that are not working with leopard




UAD DRIVERS ARE WORKING WITH KERNEL AT 32 bit (this is normal ...since lots of pro audio apps are still running at 32 bit)

when UAD will release a new driver 64 bit version then we will be ready to use the card in 64 bit kernel mode!

In all the pro studios that i wrkd ppl still using the 10.5.8 and old xeon mac pro with pro tools HD! or logic or cubase 5

who trusts 64 bits when you need a fully working system?

Looking for problems? NO THNX we need to wrk not make experiments!





For runs our hacks at 32 bit mode


just at start type:arch=i386


or add in your com.apple.Boot.plist the following lines


<key>Kernel Flags</key>




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