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Hey you guys :D


I am trying to setup snow leopard on my rig. It apparently is possible:

http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/HCL_10.6.2 (asrock, p43de)


It is saying that i need a retail cd and an installed copy of osx. I currently have an ISO Backup of snowleopard and 10.5.7 running on a VMware setup.


My motherboard can boot from a usb HDD but im getting no signal from my PC when it boots. How do i patch this and do i patch myHack_Installer_1.0_RC4.1_r55.mpkg both on the install drive and afterwards?


HELP IM CONFUSED (and a learner so please be nice ;D)


EDIT: If no one is going to answer is it as simple as patching the three kext's (OpenHaltRestart.kext, PlatformUUID.kext, fakesmc.kext) into the install HDD? Because for some reason I didnt try this :D

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