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sound problem


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I have a DELL XPS 420, and no sound on my Leopard 10.5.6 (it is a clean install)...


During the personalize step, i install the sigmatel 9227 audio driver, i think it's the good driver..


I would like to know how can i get sound on my headphones, i don't find why i have this issue.. !


Sorry for my bad english, and thanks in advance for your help !

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i've done a reinstall, and now apply another .txt file with applehdapatcher.


There are sound after patching, but when i reboot, there isn't sound and the devices isn't detected.. there are 0 sound device, but when i install the patch, there are 2 devices..


So when i reboot, devices are unavailable... don't understand why.


someone can help me plz ?


thanks in advance

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