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GIGABYTE GA-G41-ES2L - Lifehacker SL 10.6.2


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My new Hack is working well, even Firewire card, but I have a couple of problems:


  1. Audio is not working, it show up as Intel. (most important for now)
  2. I have 2nd SATA HD - Ubuntu, 3rd IDE HD - Haiku, I get two warnings that I have unrecongnized HDs and do I want to initialize / eject / ignore.
  3. Do I need kext / patch or is it multiboot related?
  4. Chamaleon ver 2.0 RC1r is what got installed, and it sees the Haiku HD and both Mac OS partitions, and I can switch to them and reboots back fine. But not Ubuntu HD
  5. Is this for the multiboot sub-forum?
  6. Will this get PS/2 recongnized by OS X ?
  7. http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=202799 (PS2-Driver 4 SL )

This is all for now, hopefully I can get the sound working. thanks

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