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UIMInitialize Error.


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When running a Chamelon patched SL installer which is bootable from an external USB Hard Drive it stops at the apple sign with a no entry sign, so I go into verbose mode and find the following errors:


USBF: 4.437 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff800541e000]::UIMInitialize - could not get chip to halt within 100ms

USBF: 4.439 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff800541e000]::UIMInitialize - error occurred (0xe00002c9)

USBF: 4.555 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff800541e000]::UIMFinalize - could not get chip to halt within 100ms

USBF: 4.556 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff800541e000]::start unable to initialize UIM

Still waiting for root device.


How do I fix this?

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Hey man i to got the same problem...... as there is a fault with ehci driver its giving trouble... in installing Leopard 10.5.7


my mobo is ASUS M2N68 AM SE2


Processor AMD 3200+ 2 Ghz


4 gb Ram


160gb Sata and external 160 gb usb hdd


i want to install iAtkos v7 on usb hdd but getting the same error when disable usb 2.0 support from bios the installation starts but hangs in between... can any one give a solution for this.


currently i am installing it using a 4gb usb drive as source to install it on external hdd not on my internal well on other comp i have succesfully installed on a intel based pc using usb 4 gb as source on external usb hdd. but its giving problem in amd pc ...can some one guide me the process to replace AppleUSBEHCI kext on usb as i dont have any other mac i want to replace it in windows

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