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Gigabyte GA8i945 GMF

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Hi, i am planing to built an osx 10.4.6 with a gigabyte GA8i945 GMF mobo.

But it seems that this mobo has a serious problem wiht rebooting. How is this true?

please Help.


On one of my test beds. I got a gigabyte GA-8191G Pro "915 intel chipset.

muilti boot partition order Mac OsX 10.4.6, Fat32, Win xp SP2, Vista all loading.

now I had a issue with vista and booting to mac after install, but i got that sorted out now!

Using Aconis Disk manager/with Os selector.


My gigabyte motherboard has Marvell networking still not working yet and the Sigmatel HD Audio 7:1

sound system still needs tweaking.

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