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I've had my Dell XPS 410 running on Leopard 10.5.8 for roughly a month now. No really major issues besides the occasional boot up issue where my partition isn't selected to boot. I've edited the com.apple.Boot.plist file with the kernal flag to select my Leopard partition but still have occasional issues but thats not thaaaat big a deal.


I have a Radeon ATI X1300 card and currently don't have Quartz Extreme enabled and its driving me nuts. I found a posting about editing a .plist file and the HEX with the kext itself but can't get enough clarity on it....at this point I'm afraid of breaking everything until I can get full details on how to fix the QE issue. Graphics are fine but can't use parts of iLife/FrontRow/iWork.....


I'd like to update to Snow Leopard 10.6.2. I've got the retail SL 10.6 DVD but need some guidance on going forward.


If anyone has any guides on both topics, please share.

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