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hello, im new, and a noob at this.


I tried to install, but im getting a kernel panic:


panic(cpu 0 caller 0x004358F3): "Unable to find driver for this platform: \"APCPI\".\n"@/VoodooKernel/xnu-1228.7.58/iokit/Kernel/IOPlatformExpert.cpp:1411


My System:

Hp tx1219us

Processor: 1.9 GHz AMD Turion â„¢ 64 X2 TL-58

Memory: 2048MB DDR2

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 (UMA)

all of the specs: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/documen...cname=c01072799


EDIT: I rebooted it, and it magically started working?


i would like to know how to fix it, and what i should do with my computer. Right now, its just sitting there at the error screen... is it ok to turn it off?

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