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Hope u guys can understand my English, i know it sucks. : )


I running Leopard 10.5.8 on a Computer with:




4GB OCZ Reaper

HD 4890 1GB


Before, I could just run my computer in really bad resolution, the grafic card was not installed.


So I search @ Internet and find this guide:




What I can understand it sould be enought with:


"With the release of Mac OS X 10.5.7, one does not need the previous non-official drivers provided for Radeon HD 48x0 with Mac Pro 2009. Thanks to Netkas, patched extensions are now available, you simply need to download and install the following package: http://rapidshare.de/files/47140484/...cards.pkg.html. without this patch, you will not benefit from Quartz acceleration."


So, i just installed the package and i can change my resolution.


Now to the problem, everything is laggy. Alot of screen thering en and all "effects" are slow. Something i've missed to install?


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTzPQJTiINI


Please help!

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