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I recently installed Leopard on a virtual machine and am having a problem with the shared folders. The shared folder (between the virtual machine and my Windows 7 host) work fine, I can open it up and see the files, read/write, etc. The problem is that I can only do this when logged into the root user. The superadmin root is the only one with sufficient privileges to do this (under "get info" it says "you have custom access" or something like that). My normal admin account does not have sufficient privileges, and I have been able to grant it the necessary permissions.


Here's what I tried, in a terminal under the root account


sudo chmod –R 777 <what I think is the directory of the root shared folder>


each time the terminal says it cannot find the file specified. The root folder, apparently, is located in the main, main computer folder, the same place where the original system drive volume is (not the alias), along with network, and the CD/DVD drive. I don't know the name of this directory....my computer name is "Mac OS X Leopard" and that's what the titlebar of the finder window for this directory is. When I put in sudo chmod -R 777 " '/Volumes/VMware Shared Folders" it says the same thing. It seems the problem is that I cannot find the right directory to execute this command.


Can anyone please help me in getting this done?

if you can´t get it done with terminal: download cyberduck (ftp client) and create an account for localhost. go to the folder, right click and choose "info" - now you can see it´s permissions and change it.


there are a few ways to solve this, but this way is very "transparent" :wub:

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