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Seit heute steht der SSE2/SSE3 - 32/64 Bit Kernel for Snow Leopard by qoopz! [intel/AMD] zum download bereit.

Im Zusammenhang mit diesem Kernel und gerade mal 5 weiteren Kext Dateien im Extra/Extensions läuft das Board, zumindestens im 32 bit Modus, perfekt.


Sogar sleep funktioniert wieder.



Was Ihr braucht.


Ein funktionierendes Leopard


Eine Snow Leopard Retail DVD


Chameleon 2 RC3




AppleRTC.kext - Legacy AppleRTC.kext repackaged to function with Snow Leopard. This prevents the “CMOS Reset” error that is encountered on most motherboards running OSx86 10.6. IMPORTANT NOTE: This MUST be removed (and replaced by a dsdt CMOS fix) before booting to an x86_64 kernel.


fakesmc.kext - (Copyright © 2009 Netkas) is an open-source System Management Controller (SMC) emulator for MAC OS X. Without this OS X 10.6 will not run on non-apple hardware. This is FakeSMC v2. Note: FakeSMC.kext is incompatible with the older “dsmos.kext” which was used in previous versions of OS X to run on non-apple hardware do not use dsmos.kext if using fakesmc.kext. Also worthy of mention is the fact that dsmos.kext is in direct violation of the Apple OS X EULA. FakeSMC is an emulator, not a decryption kext like dsmos was – therefore it does not directly violate the Apple OS X EULA as far as I can tell.


NullCPUPowerManagement.kext - Disables AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext – this extension is required until you have built a proper dsdt for your system. Without this or the dsdt your system will not boot (kernel panic). IMPORTANT NOTE: It is suggested that everyone use this kext for now even if your system runs fine without it. There is an unresolved issue with the way AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext handles HPET on non-apple hardware that causes the CPU to run much hotter than normal.



Sleepenabler.kext - Will enable sleep functionality while AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement is disabled on many systems. NOTE: Only needed if using NullCPUPowerManagement.kext.


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