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AMD installation help


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Ok, I've been wanting to run OSX for a long time. Any we, I have a problem, I've been trying to install on a AMD PC that has a biostar motherboard. Apparently I need to use like the voodoo kernel or something, and I know that the install image uses the vanilla kernel. It is iDeneb V 10.5.7 and I also have a copy of iAKTOS V 10.5.7. So I have one really big question. How do I install on an AMD computer? And how do I apply this patches for installation?

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Try to install it first and see if it will give Kernel Panic right off the bat, that's what happened to my AMD install with a Biostar board. If iDeneb will not work, get Leo4All AMD only kernel and try to install that. Kernels will be in the "Customization" part of the install.

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