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I own a Mac Book pro with Snow leopard and i heard about the x86 projects. from what i know there is a way to install leopard onto a PC. and i also know there are many different kinds of distributions for the Leopard to PC install. i also own a Gateway laptop, NV series and i wanted to know which distro would be ideal for a laptop? i will attach my system specs. thanks.


and also i know leopard is designed for intel dual core processors, i have an AMD dual core processor am i out of luck??post-482309-1251867792_thumb.jpg


I suggest Googling and/or searching this site's hardware database for information on your specific model laptop and OSx86. If you don't find much specific information, you'll just need to give installing something a try. Unfortunately, unless you can find a detailed guide for your specific model, the install process will be a trial-and-error one, no matter what distribution or install method you use. Many people try two or three distributions before they find one that works.


That said, your AMD CPU and ATI video card will impose certain limits on your choices. Be sure to pick a distribution that supports AMD CPUs, at the very least. (You can add new video drivers later, but if the kernel doesn't boot on an AMD CPU, that'll be harder to correct.) The ATI HD3200 video card suggests that your system may be using an AMD 780G chipset, so you can search on that information, too. FWIW, I've got a desktop system that uses this chipset, but it's Linux-only; I've never tried installing OSx86 on it.


There's a Windows program called CPU-Z that displays better low-level hardware information than you get from Windows' own Device Manager. You might want to download it and try running it to obtain more precise information on the chipset(s) used in your computer.


FWIW, my best success on an AMD-based system was using iPC; however, that computer uses an nVidia chipset.

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