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Hi, recently had X86 working perfectly on my intel celeron but absent mindedly clicked apple software update which i learn later kills it.. which it did. After formatting the hdd i installed X86 on, back to NTFS, booting with the X86 DVD only gets so far.


it gets past first installation options screen and onto the mac screen with the laoding symbol.. and then after about 5-7 minutes of appearing to load, my computer shuts down.


whats happening? any help appreciated

press f8 when the first screen apear and write -v

tell us what 3 line you see before the waiting for root device

All i could find was 'Waiting for boot volume' and 'waiting on <dict ID "0">


3 lines above 'Waiting for boot volume':

BSM auditing present


from path: "uuid",


various other things:

Disk3s3: I/O error

BSD root: disk3s3, major 14 minor 8


Last things before computer dies:



Other pics:


An interesting update: i unplugged the hdds and booted off the cd and got a 'System config file' /com.apple.boot.plot' not found.


tried this on 2 computers, got the same message.

does this mean my dvds corrupt?

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