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Hi. I know this is a probably a very nooby question, but I haven't been on these forums in like a year, and don't feel like going through them to find my answer, so an answer is greatly appereciated.


First, here are my specs:

  • Processor - AMD Phenom 9850 Black Edition
  • Graphics Card - ATI HD4850 512 MB
  • Motherboard - MSI K9A2 CF

I'm pretty sure that's all I need to write here. Anyways, if I install iDeneb v1.4 can I update it using the Mac Native Updating thingy since Netkas posted that the HD4850 has drivers in it for this card. Thanks! :(

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Hi. I know this is a probably a very nooby question, but I haven't been on these forums in like a year, and don't feel like going through them to find my answer, so an answer is greatly appereciated.


First, here are my specs:

  • Processor - AMD Phenom 9850 Black Edition
  • Graphics Card - ATI HD4850 512 MB
  • Motherboard - MSI K9A2 CF

I'm pretty sure that's all I need to write here. Anyways, if I install iDeneb v1.4 can I update it using the Mac Native Updating thingy since Netkas posted that the HD4850 has drivers in it for this card. Thanks! :D



Just want to bump this thread cause I really need an answer. Thanks!

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