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hello ppl

i have been a hard core hackintosch for a long time now!

and had been happily living under the illusion of having conquered it all!

but now i have new problem!

I have a 10.5.7 running perfectly (only one core though!)

but now every time i use a 1TB disk with my Airport Extreme (which is real Apple :)) i run into problems!

it disconnects on anything from trying to browse into the disk from an application, to waking up from sleep, or even for a long period of inactivity!

and every time it disconnects! i have to go to third floor (where the router and the disk are) and unplug the disk and plug it again!

which is quite a pain in the po!

i d0 remember reading something about this problem with the REAL macs and stuff!

but i th0ought that problem was supposed to be solved with an update of the Airport Extreme Firmware!


please enlighten me!

or i am going to lose weight running up and down all the time B)

I had a similar issue with my airport disks. Try plugging the drive that's connected to your airport into your computer and doing a disk utility repair on it. I went a step further and did a rebuild in Drive Genius too. Then plug it back into the airport and power cycle the airport. After doing the repair/rebuild, I stopped having problems with my airport disk.


I guess over time errors start to add up on the shared drive, so I suggest doing this every couple months.

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