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I was using Vista, partitioned my 150gb drive with 16gb for uphuck 10.4.9. During the installation, I used Disk Utility to reformat the 16gb partition to OSX. (I was a little confused at first that this was done with the 'erase' button). I selected the 16gb partition (disck0s2) and hit erase, however, what occurred was not what I expected. I found the the now mounted drive was not the 16gb partition I had intended, but the 133gb partition Vista was located on. There were then two partitions: the disk0s2 I had renamed (to OSX) and what should have been disk0s1, which happened to be named disk0s2, as if no change to that partition had happened. At first I raged, thinking I {censored}ed up and reformatted the wrong partition, then decided I'd format the 16g, install OSX and see if I could find a way to recover from there. I attempted to format disk0s2 only to discover that the same thing happened again.

It's entirely possible that I'm completely clueless as I'm mostly incompetent with Apple products, but this seems odd to me.


So, this brings me to my three questions:

1. What happened?

2. How do I fix it?

3. How can I get my data back? (When I erased, I selected the option that said data could still be recovered.)


Edit: Apologies, the computer I'm currently using is very slow, I hit post topic twice accidentally. Please delete one of the threads.

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