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Hello all! This forum has been a great help in getting me up and running with a Leopard 10.5.6 installation. I have recently installed the iPC Universal 10.5.6 version on my PC, and everything runs perfectly, with the exception of some odd performance issues after what seems to be a certain amount of HDD activity. This can range from doing simple things like playing WOW for an hour or so, to installing a few apps. Everything zips right along for a while, but then the whole system gets very choppy. At first I thought it was maybe video drivers, but this seems to be cropping up after even just installing a few apps. I end up having to reboot to resolve the issue.


I'm not really sure what it could be, maybe I'm missing a crucial chipset or SATA kext? I'm running a pretty simple configuration: an Intel DG965WH motherboard with a 8800GT card. I've using NVKush for my video, and picked the ICHx SATA drivers during my installation. I'm using Chameleon 2 RC1 as my bootloader/EFI. Even got my sound working by patching my audio kext. Any help you guys could provide for this strange slowdown issue would be great! Thanks so much!

Update: I've tried to switch to the Voodoo kernel, and the problem still crops up after about an hour or two. Best way I can get it to happen is while playing WOW. It's almost like after I go around enough world geometry things get laggy, maybe a memory leak?

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