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Hi there, i've recently been having some success with osx86, and now have it on my desktop and have installed it on a friends laptop.


There's where the problems begin. I had been able to get it to dual boot using the chain0 method, but i installed a new broadcom wireless card for him, which was not registered properly by the OS and while trying to fix it, made the OS unable to boot. I then tried to restore the operating system from a time machine backup, which caused a chain boot error. What i am wondering is how i can install chameleon bootloader, and keep both operating systems as they are, as he has XP and OSx86 on the same HD.


Any help will be greatly appreciated -_-




oops, sorry, double post, my bad. Could a mod please delete the other thread please, thanks -_-




While i'm here, and to save making another thread, could i also ask how i could use Chameleon on my desktop? It has 2 separate hard drives in it, one with vista, the other with OS X on it, the vista drive is a sata HDD, and the OS X drive is an IDE drive (couldn't get OS X to recognise the SATA HDD so i plugged iin another one.)


Thanks for any help :)

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eagerly waiting for someone to answer this thread... I seriously think a lack of resources for starters for mac.. it might be hell lot of easier compared to windows.. but for windows you will find 1 million people to support your issue.. but for mac and linux there are only few people.. so we will have to wait..



Agreed with kuld33p.


But the thing we must all remember is that the people on these forums do not help any of us for money, they do it merely to help the community, for which we must be grateful :)


Anyway, enough of the soppy {censored} :P, i've sorted my friends laptop, but, i've tried to make my desktop dual boot without going into the BIOS, which worked to a certain degree. It does come up with an OS selection screen at bootup, but if i choose to boot into OS X, i have to type in the hard drive number (in this case it's 81, my other hard drive being 80). Now, this isn't a major problem, but i would like it to work fully :)


If it's any help, the first hard drive is SATA, and the second hard drive is IDE (Mac seemed to not like my SATA hard drive, so i plugged in another hard drive)


The first hard drive has Vista Home premium on it, and i used EasyBCD to create the dual OS entry.


Any help will be much appreciated :)

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