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I´ve been playing with Hacintosh about 1 year now.  But i need to read about how things are put together.  Are there any book that describe the OS, thinking about KEXT.  I´ve baught a book (the missing manual) from Amazon, but it does not tell me anything about the "internals"


Can someone recomend a good book, or a url 




Regards form Norway

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Thank you for pointing me to the right direction, funny that my own "keyword" was a so good match for Google.  The book are ordered from Amazon yesterday.  The reason for asking in this forum was, that i thought that some one in this forum could recomend a good book for me.  There is a lot of not so good books out there (read {censored}).


Any way, Google is in deed my best friend on Internet.  I using it severals time each day, and it would indeed be difficult to be me without it.  But wery often it is better to get a god recomadation by real pepoles.

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