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If I let it sit there for like 15 minutes and go away - after i come back i only see a black screen and wake my laptop. The only way to wake it up, is to hold the power button for like 6 seconds and start all over again.


can someone please help me with this? I am using a satellite toshiba A135

If I let it sit there for like 15 minutes and go away - after i come back i only see a black screen and wake my laptop. The only way to wake it up, is to hold the power button for like 6 seconds and start all over again.


can someone please help me with this? I am using a satellite toshiba A135


This is a common problem. I've found various "solutions" but as of yet, none have worked for me. A temp fix is to turn off sleep and have it stay on all the time. I posted this morning with the same problem. Hopefully someone can give us some clues as to how to fix it so sleep works correctly.

If I let it sit there for like 15 minutes and go away - after i come back i only see a black screen and wake my laptop. The only way to wake it up, is to hold the power button for like 6 seconds and start all over again.


can someone please help me with this? I am using a satellite toshiba A135

I also have a Toshiba laptop, A100. I have the same issue with you. And tried almost every methods I can find on this forum, no one seems to work. Finally, I found that if I switch to another kernel, it may work. And my experience is a little bit strange: under 10.5.6, AnV 1.4 kernel solve this problem, Voodoo kernel doesn't. But it is completely the opposite in 10.5.7.

I have no clue what's going on there, but it actually works. Just need to try, a lot of times.

I also have a Toshiba laptop, A100. I have the same issue with you. And tried almost every methods I can find on this forum, no one seems to work. Finally, I found that if I switch to another kernel, it may work. And my experience is a little bit strange: under 10.5.6, AnV 1.4 kernel solve this problem, Voodoo kernel doesn't. But it is completely the opposite in 10.5.7.

I have no clue what's going on there, but it actually works. Just need to try, a lot of times.


I'm using Voodoo power and battery... do I need to disable them before switching kernels? Also, when you say the problem was solved with a diff kernel, what do you mean? Does the screen wake right up or do you have to do the corner sleep trick or what?


Also, when you say it's the opposite in 10.5.7, do you mean that the Voodoo kernel is working fine without the sleep wake issue in 10.5.7?


I've been trying a lot of stuff but it seems like as I get one thing fixed, something else will break. I had no problems with sound or my usb ethernet adapter last install and this time they are both giving me trouble. Gets very frustrating. I want to use the system, not spend every waking minute just trying to get it all to work.

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