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Lots of unanswered questions on here. So thought I'd share a very helpful install video that will give people alot of guidance on how to approach this hackintosh thing.



This'll get you familiar with the 3 major releases.

Kalyway 5.2




And help people with no mac experience learn how to format drives and customize install etc.

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After installing kalway 10.5.2 and nothing on the machine working. I tried iPC universal PP5.

Wouldn't boot with waiting on root device. I put Kalyway back in and deleted the partition on there. Tried again same thing. I wiped the partition and made a new primary unformated partition with gparted. Still wouldn't boot. Tried in AHCI mode and ATA mode. Then it dawned on me. The DVD is the root partition. This install distro loads enough of the software that it stops being able to work the stupid DVD drive. Might try Leo4All but not for a while.

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