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Over the past few days ive been trying to install leopard (Ideneb v1.4, 10.5.6) and it boots but when it come to select the destination to install nothing shows up.... NOthing shows up in disk utility either... I am running xp off the drive and i have tried different formats for the osx partition (FAT32,NTFS).

My hardware is as follows:


CPU: Intel Pentium 4 5S4 3.06ghz

MOTHERBOARD: P5VD2-X motherboard (asus P5VD2-X acpi bios revision 0308)

RAM: 2gb DDR2 Kingston Ram

HDD: Samsung HD 160jj/p (160gb)

GRAPHICS CARD: Asus EAH2400 Series

ETHERNET: Realtek RTL8169/8110 FAmily Gigabit Ethernet NIC


SOUND: Realtek HD Audio Output


As i said i have ideneb v.14 10.5.6 and its not detecting the HDD



any questions pls dont hesitate to ask



*clears throat*


Set your SATA controller to ACHI mode in the BIOS. Make sure the HDD is plugged in to a SATA port on the Intel SATA controller.

If the drive is PATA and hooked up to the JMicron, I don't know what you should do.


If none of that made any sense to you, now would be a good time to pick up your motherboard manual. If you don't have one, you can find a pdf copy at ASUS' website.



*clears throat*


Set your SATA controller to ACHI mode in the BIOS. Make sure the HDD is plugged in to a SATA port on the Intel SATA controller.

If the drive is PATA and hooked up to the JMicron, I don't know what you should do.


If none of that made any sense to you, now would be a good time to pick up your motherboard manual. If you don't have one, you can find a pdf copy at ASUS' website.


:) Yea..... umm... could u rephrase that?? You lost me... i had a look in the manual and it still dosent make any sense...


No, not really. What exactly didn't you understand?


I'm sorry but if 'set your drive controller to AHCI mode in the BIOS' doesn't mean anything to you you probably shouldn't be installing OSX on a PC.


You can look up the technical terms on Wikipedia.

ok i looked in my Bios, i wasnt really sure what i should be looking for but i found that the Jmicron RAID Controller is set to IDE

The sata controller is enabled


the sata controller mode is IDE


Is that good?


Thanks for your patience, i am only new at this


It depends on where on the motherboard your HDD is plugged in, and whether it's a PATA or SATA drive.

If you don't know, you'll have to pop the lid on your PC case and find out.


That's why I told you to look in your manual - in the manual you can see which plugs on the motherboard belong to which controller.


If it's a PATA drive plugged in to the JMicron and the JMicron is set to IDE, then there's nothing else you can do, except for trying various OSX86 install DVDs until you find one that allows you to install on a PATA drive connected to the JMicron.


If it's plugged into the Intel SATA controller, set the SATA mode on it to AHCI like I told you in the first post.

I will probly have to have a look inside of the case but ill look at a later date. i am currently looking on (http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/socket775/P5VD2-X/e2919_p5vd2-x.pdf) the users manual and i am having trouble finding that infomation. i have searched for PATA and nothing came up (which is a good sign right?) so i dont think the board even has PATA connections. Would that be Correct?

i am seriously a n00b at this so please be patient with me


No, your board has support for two PATA devices. Look at this picture from your manual.


I assumed that your board has Intel chipset, I was wrong.


If your harddrive is PATA, it will be connected to the VIA 8237A.

The iPC 10.5.6 DVD has support for this chipset. The DVD you are using now probably doesn't.


If your harddrive is SATA, connect it to the JMicron controller. Then it will work with your install DVD.


No, not really. What exactly didn't you understand?


I'm sorry but if 'set your drive controller to AHCI mode in the BIOS' doesn't mean anything to you you probably shouldn't be installing OSX on a PC.


You can look up the technical terms on Wikipedia.


Why u such an {censored}, u don't have to pretty much call him retarded by saying "You can look up the technical terms on Wikipedia." or "I'm sorry but if 'set your drive controller to AHCI mode in the BIOS' doesn't mean anything to you you probably shouldn't be installing OSX on a PC." I bet heaps of people that have OSX don't know WTF that means, so go f**k yourself you nerdy piece of sh*t

Dude, what the hell is wrong with you.


I told him what to do in plain English. "Set the SATA controller to AHCI mode in the BIOS". It's very simple, enter the bios, find the settings for the SATA controller and change to AHCI mode...if you think there is a different way to say that, I would like to hear it.


In the next post I am telling him where he can learn about the terms that he doesn't understand.

Go to Wikipedia, type SATA in the search box. It's simple. How someone can interpret the sentence "Look up the technical terms on Wikipedia" as rude or whatever is beyond me. Those are totally neutral words.


In my last post I explained the whole problem and provided more than one solution to it.


I don't understand your point of view at all.

Clears Throat




Hey Beerkex'd, i changed the Jmicron RAID controller to AHCI mode and tried again but no success. The Sata Controller was enabled and the sata controller mode has 2 options IDE and RAID, which do u think?. What do u reccommend from now? Just getting iPc and trying that?

thanks heaps

lol ryancm211305 that was random

As I said in post #8


Before I can tell you anything, you need to find out where your HDD is connected on the motherboard.


After hours of exthausive research we can now safely say that it will be connected to either the VT8237 or the JMicron. :)


In your motherboard manual you can find a drawing of the motherboard that will show you where the two controllers are and which plugs belongs to which controller.


Look where the cable from the HDD goes.

Try setting the VIA controller to RAID mode, then boot from the install DVD and see if your HDD appears.

RAID mode implies AHCI so that should work, if the controller doesn't mind booting up with only one HDD even if it's set to RAID mode.


If that doesn't work here are some other options:


Use a HDD connected to the JMicron controller.


Use an install DVD that has drivers for the VT8237A, that are available during boot. I am 98% sure that the iPC 10.5.6 will work.


Patch the DVD you are using now to include the driver that's missing from it. Don't ask me how because I don't know.


The driver that needs to be present is VIAAppleATA.kext.









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