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i have Dark Crusade installed via cider port. and need to know how to enable all races for multiplayer.

i have found the user.reg file but don't know where/what to put in.

This is currently what is listed in the file:



;; All keys relative to \\User\\DDP


[Control Panel\\Colors] 1161719485


[Control Panel\\desktop] 1161723186



[Control Panel\\desktop\\WindowMetrics] 1161723186



[software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders] 1161723186





"Programs"="C:\\WINDOWS\\Start Menu\\Programs"



"Start Menu"="C:\\WINDOWS\\Start Menu"

"StartUp"="C:\\WINDOWS\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"



[software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\User Shell Folders] 1161723186



[software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Multimedia\\MIDIMap] 1161723186





[software\\Wine\\Crypto\\RSA] 1175539416



I could really use some help asap, as i was planning to use it at a LAN party in a few days, and didn't want to have to switch to windows just to play this game, as all the others are working on mac and windows...


Thank you in advance!

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